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Parent Resources

ICT support for families

Under the setting controls section, you will be able to find specific guides for phones, apps, devices and even broadband providers. Each one has a downloadable guide with clear step by step instructions on how to use settings and controls effectively.

Lots of resources to help parents and carers talk to their children about life online and how to keep a positive, honest and open dialogue!  One resource in this area is the family agreement template – a great way to all agree as to the expectations for being safe whilst enjoying all that the online world has to offer. Downloadable blank templates are available.

Spend just 8 minutes answering questions about your child’s digital habits and you will then receive a full toolkit of tailored resources to help support and protect your child online. Lots of really useful information that is all relevant to the responses that you give. A fantastic to navigate aspects of online life. Can answer for multiple children of multiple ages and interests. A great time saver!

Visit the PEGI website directly to learn more about the content in games. Content is not suitable for children of primary ages and it is really important that parents and carers are aware of what children are being exposed to.

This section of the site is around online gaming and each tab hosts a wealth of information, ideas, resources and useful tips. Content below gives a brief overview of what you can find on each tab – all are well worth a visit…

The basics: key trends, advice by age, top tips to keep gaming healthy

The risks: impact of gaming on behaviour, gaming addition, contact with strangers

The benefits: why do children enjoy it? What are the benefits to online gaming? Tips on how to choose the best games

The resources: guides for parents and children, setting controls, review sites to help choose games