Governance Arrangements
Governance Arrangements - 2022 / 2023
The Members of the Academy Trust’s remit is to consider any proposals for changes to the status or constitution of the academy, maintenance of the Academy Trust’s Articles of Association, the appointment of the external auditors.
The trustees are responsible for; the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Academy Trust, holding school leadership to account for the educational performance of the school, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff, oversight of the financial management of the Trust and ensuring money is well spent. This is accomplished through the setting of appropriate annual plans and budgets, general policy and procedures, risk management, use of internal scrutiny mechanisms and the responsibility for major decisions regarding capital expenditure and senior staff appointments.
The Full Board of Trustees has delegated the day-to-day management to the Headteachers, as accounting officers, and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The SLT comprises the Headteacher, Assistant Headteachers, SENCO and the School and Finance Managers.
As Accounting Officers, the Headteachers, are tasked with ensuring financial controls conform with the requirements of both propriety and good financial management. These must be in accordance with the requirements and responsibilities assigned to it in the funding agreement between St Stephen's Academy Canterbury and the Secretary of State for Education. They are also responsible for reporting to the board of trustees any material weaknesses or breakdowns in internal control.
The information on governance included here supplements that described in the Trustees' Report and in the Statement of Trustees' Responsibilities as published in the annual accounts.
The board of trustees has formally met 6 times during the year. Attendance during the year (2022 / 2023) at meetings of the board of trustees was as follows:
Trustees |
Meetings attended |
Out of possible |
Dr. Andrew Connell (Chair of Trustees) |
5 |
6 |
Nadia Anderton |
5 |
6 |
Dr. Gina Donaldson |
3 |
6 |
Rev Kevin Maddy |
4 |
6 |
Dr. Erwin Pauws |
5 |
6 |
Chris Morrison |
4 |
6 |
Sarah Booker |
3 |
6 |
Antonia Porter |
5 |
6 |
Sarah Heaney (Headteacher and Accounting Officer) |
3 |
6 |
Laura Cutts (Headteacher and Accounting Officer) |
5 |
6 |
During the 2022 / 2023 Academic Year the Full Board of Trustees has met 6 times, including the annual AGM. The Full Board of Trustees delegated functions to the following sub-committees; Finance, Audit and Risk, Quality of Education and Pay and Personnel. Each sub-committee met a minimum of 4 times during the year to monitor and regulate their areas of responsibility.
The minutes of all sub-committee meetings, and all relevant matters, are reported and ratified by the Full Board of Trustees. All Committee minutes, Governance information, financial monthly monitoring, Curriculum deep dives and School Action Plan are uploaded to the Trustee portal to be readily available to all trustees.
The Finance, Audit and Risk committee is a sub-committee of the main board of trustees and a mandatory requirement of the Academies Trust Handbook. Its purpose is to monitor the budget and expenditure of the school to ensure sufficient controls are in place, and to ensure compliance with necessary ESFA regulations. The committee met 4 times during the year.
Attendance at meetings in the year was as follows:
Trustees |
Meetings attended |
Out of possible |
Dr. Andrew Connell (Chair of Trustees) |
4 |
4 |
Nadia Anderton |
3 |
4 |
Chris Morrison |
4 |
4 |
Laura Cutts (Accounting Officers) |
2 |
4 |
Sarah Heaney (Accounting Officers) |
2 |
4 |
As of September 2022, the Full Board of Trustees has delegated functions to the following sub-committees:
- Finance, Audit and Risk
- Quality of Education
- Personnel and Payroll
Further information on the Academies Governance can be found in the Trustees report included in the Audited Annual Accounts.
A Full breakdown of the roles of Academy Members and Trustees is contained within the DfE Governance Structures and Role descriptors and the ESFA Academies Trust Handbook, as linked below.