Breakfast and After School Club
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Our excellent breakfast and after-school club enables pupils who attend to benefit from a fun, safe, supportive and stimulating environment.
The Extended Schools Halloween Party

Extended Schools
St. Stephen’s Junior School offers outstanding Extended School facilities for your children. We are open every day from 7:30 a.m. for children from reception age to Year 6 who enjoy a healthy breakfast and receive quality care.
- - Please note Reception year children can only attend from 8 am until 5 pm daily - -
We also offer an exciting After School Club for complete wrap-around care for all our children until 6 pm daily, apart from Friday 5 pm finish. We offer a wide range of activities to suit all ages and abilities, a snack on arrival and drinks throughout the session.
The Extended School Club at St Stephen’s Junior School is a lively and exciting place for your children to relax or just play with friends.